Days 24-26
April 26-28
Fontana Dam to Double Spring Gap
We said goodbye to Sally and headed across the Fontana Dam this windy and rainy morning.
Before long, we were entering the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP). We're official -- we placed our GSMNP thru-hiker registration in the Trailhead box. I'm sure Rocky was impressed.
The fog was so thick that I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of me, and I missed the turn back on the AT. After about an eighth of a mile, I finally figured out that I should be going up instead of down and got back on track.
While the trail itself had no major obstacles today, the weather was a problem. It kept changing, and I was in and out of foul weather all day. When I reached Mollies Ridge Shelter, it had turned very cold and windy. So cold that I considered staying in the shelter. Those thoughts were quickly dashed when I discovered that the shelter was packed.
Rocky and I pitched our tent behind some trees that acted as a wind break, fixed dinner, and went to bed.
Day 25
Mollies Ridge Shelter to Derrick Knob Shelter
This morning started off cold, windy, cloudy, and foggy, BUT WITH NO RAIN!!
We passed by the Russell Field Shelter. I spoke to a few guys that said they stopped by to get out of the wind and have their second breakfast. Two breakfasts is common practice for many hikers.
I believe that today was the toughest day so far. The rains left the trails in an abysmal condition. It's obvious that when it rains, the trails become raging torrents. The trail was extremely muddy and full of loose rocks and roots.
At one point, I was stepping out of the mud, caught my foot on a root and did a face plant. Luckily I landed in a pile of leaves and had no injuries. That makes five falls, all caused by roots.
Today was a short day. Yesterday was hard on me, not Rocky. I thought it was a good idea to take it easy today.
Rocky and I stopped at Silers Bald Shelter for lunch. I spoke with several hikers who had just completed the section of trail we came through yesterday. They agreed that it was tough.
Silers Bald Shelter
The weather and trail cooperated with easy day philosophy. Today was mostly sunny with a light wind. The trail had few obstacles and no real long climbs. In other words, today was uneventful.
Day 26 Trial Profile |
Tonight we need a good rest because TOMORROW WE CLIMB CLINGMAN'S DOME, the highest peak on the AT.
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