
  Days 180-192 September 27-October 9 Monson, Maine, and  the 100-Mile Wilderness  to Mt. Katahdin, Maine Day 180 Monson, Maine, to Cloud Pond I had made it to a trailhead just outside of Monson, just before it started to rain, and just in time to catch a shuttle into town. I stayed at Leapin Leana's that night.  It was still raining hard in the morning, and I decided to spend a second night in town.  I moved over to Shaw's Hostel the following day.  Shaw's is both a Hostel and an Outfitter.  I purchased food for my push through the 100-Mile wilderness.  I made a quick supply inventory as I was packing and discovered that I had forgotten to buy coffee.  I went back to the Outfitter, bought coffee, and made arrangements for a food drop at the 50-mile point of the 100-Mile Wilderness.  There is an old logging/fire road that intersects the AT at that spot.   Shaw's provides a food drop at this location, for a fee of course.  ...